We are your competent contact for repairs & refurbishing on fototecnic devices and service workshop for Leica & Rollei analog makes.

. . . since over 50 years
specialist workshop
for these makes.
The repair shop for phototecnic devices was founded in 1946 by the fotomecanic Anton Paepke near Düsseldorf. His strive was to obtain customer service contracts for repairs of products from some photo companies established at the time. He fastly developed close contacts to the enterprises of Leitz (Leica) and Rollei (Franke & Heidecke).
In 1955 there was the need to move the enterprises location to Düsseldorf. In the 60ies he expanded the customer service by contracts with the companies of Bosch/Bauer (filmdevices) and Metz (flashdevices).
The customer service for the makes of the firms Leica and Rollei was extended on all product lines. In the follow-up his Paepke Fototechnik enterprise developed itself into a large customer service company, wich not only was employed in Germany, but altough for the bordercountries of benelux, france , swiss and Austria.
In our current location in Düsseldorf Rath we care for maintainance and repairs of Leica and Rollei worldwide. Our highly motivated technicians guarantee professional repairs for our customers. The current repair program is listed under the category “service” in detail.