Service (English)

Paepke Fototechnik is located in Düsseldorf City since 1946

Sending devices: If you would like to send us a device, please use our "Repair Accompanying Note" under the heading "Downloads" as a package insert.

Questions about the service ?
Questions about repair service,
as well as to payment and delivery conditions (shipping)
please refer to our terms and conditions under “Downloads”.

Leica Repairservice includes the whole assortment
All Leica – Products since construction year 1939

Leica – rangefinder cameras since 1939:
Leica I to Leica IIIg as well as the Objective Series

Leica M-Series

Leica M1 bis M6, M6.2, M7 + CL
as well as M Objectives

Leicaflex 1 and 2

Leicaflex – Series SL, SL2 and SL mod.

Leica R-Series

Leica R3 to R5, RE, R6, R6.2, R7
as well as R-Objectives
Leica R 8 and R 9 on request

Rollei repair service covers the entire product range
All Rollei – products from year of manufacture 1960

35mm format camera series
Rollei 35 – series, Rollei SL 35 – series,
Rolleiflex SL 2000 F, 3001, 3003 as well as lenses, magazines + accessories

Crossfade MSC 300 to 535 – series on request
Medium format – series on request

Medium format camera series
Rolleicord – models from V + Vb older models on request
Rolleiflex – models from year of manufacture 1960 to series F, GX + FX
Rolleiflex SL 66, SL 66 E + SL 66 SE as well as lenses + magazines + accessories
Rolleiflex – System 6000, 6001, 6003 + 6008 Prof. to Integral + AF
and lenses, magazines + accessories

Rolleiflex HY6 Lenses Magazine + Accessories
Sinar HY6 + lenses
Leaf Afi + lenses

We also offer repair service for the following brands

Medium format camera series
Hasselblad of the model series 500
Cameras Lenses Magazine